Facility Manager - Roast

Facility Manager

Knowing what’s happening in your building is invaluable for any facility manager, but occupant comfort is often overlooked. Roast lets you tap into how people feel about the workspace and helps you identify and resolve potential issues before they become costly problems.

Reduce Employee Turnover

Address complaints quickly and efficiently and show current and prospective tenants that their comfort matters.

Identify Maintenance Issues

Pinpoint specific problem areas and be the first to know when systems aren’t working as they should.

Collect and Share Feedback

Create, schedule, and send surveys and analyze and share results all within the same intuitive app.

Lower Utility Bills

Lower your carbon footprint and costs—every 1 °F change in your set point can reduce your energy bill by as much as 10%.

Prioritize Improvements

See at a glance which issues are minor and which are building-wide so that you can create an immediate and long-term action plan.

Encourage Communication

Give employees a constructive outlet for their comfort complaints.

Searching for solutions?

The Case for Comfort: Improving Productivity with Comfort Surveys

It’s no secret that productive employees drive competitive companies. But many offices overlook employee comfort in their day-to-day operations despite a growing body of peer-reviewed research that shows the happiest, healthiest, and most productive employees are also the most comfortable ones.

The first step in improving comfort, and consequently increasing productivity, is understanding what factors contribute to people’s perception of a space and how their perceptions change over time. This article outlines these factors and makes the case for why comfortable buildings are well worth the investment.

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